As we start this day, this historic day, we take each step knowing that only one Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, will win the 2016 Election. This has been one of the most heated, bare-knuckle
campaigns America has ever seen. Both major runners for the presidency fired, as well as, defended against vicious verbal attacks (often initiated by The Donald). Each sustained blows to their public image because of terrible mistakes they made in their past. Clinton’s FBI Investigations over the private emails share center stage with Trump’s being accused of racism and misogyny.
Most of us have spent these last few days imagining our great country under each leader and for some, neither seems to be the “perfect” candidate. My friends say they are each the lesser of two evils. This brings me to our word for today. DECISION.
Beyond The Polls
We have to make a decision. Whether it was, etched in our hearts after the first debate, slowly grew on us as we listened and watched them, or just felt right when we saw their names in the polling stations, we have to make a clear choice.
Many times, you’ll have bad options and the choice you have to make will seem like torture. Regardless, someone has to make the tough call and deal with the consequences, whether good or bad. That’s a leader. It’s easy to stand on the side lines and point a finger at those who are getting sacked on the field. It’s not so easy to make a decision, knowing there will be casualties, yet, forging ahead for the greater good.
Make the right choice. Today, for your country. Tomorrow, for your destiny. Make the tough decisions that will bring you to your brighter future. Pray for our country & may God bless America.